D.W MacArthur - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jonathan L. Thron - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mikhail Bulatov - All Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
Alexander Livke - All Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
Sergey Razinkov - All Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
S. Kondratov - (All Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
D. Sivachev - All Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
A. V’yushin - All Russian Scientific Research Institute of Experimental Physics
Any verification measurement performed on potentially classified nuclear material must satisfy two constraints. First and foremost, no classified information can be released to the monitoring party. At the same time, the monitoring party must gain sufficient confidence from the measurement to believe that the material being measured is consistent with the host’s declarations concerning that material. The attribute measurement technique addresses both concerns by measuring several attributes of the nuclear material and displaying unclassified results through green (indicating that the material does possess the specified attribute) and red (indicating that the material does not possess the specified attribute) lights. The AVNG that we describe is an attribute measurement system built by RFNC– VNIIEF in Sarov, Russia. The AVNG measures the three attributes of “plutonium presence,” “plutonium mass >2 kg,” and “plutonium isotopic ratio (240Pu to 239Pu)