Neutron Assay System for Confinement Vessel Disposition

William J. Crooks III - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Kate Frame - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Jose Valdez - Los Alamos National Laboratory
S. Stange - Los Alamos National Laboratory
D.R. Mayo - Los Alamos National Laboratory
David K. Miko - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Georgiana M. Vigil - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Mark Bourne - Los Alamos National Laboratory
L.G. Evans - Los Alamos National Laboratory
William R. Salazar - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos National Laboratory has a number of spherical connement vessels (CVs) remaining from tests involving nuclear materials. These vessels have an inner diameter of 6 feet with 1-inch thick steel walls. The goal of the Connement Vessel Disposition (CVD) project is to remove debris and reduce contamination inside the CVs. The Connement Vessel Assay System (CVAS) was developed to measure the amount of special nuclear material (SNM) in CVs before and after cleanout. Prior to cleanout, the system will be used to perform a verication measurement of each vessel. After cleanout, the system will be used to perform safeguards-quality assays of 100-g 239 Pu equivalent in a vessel for safeguards termination. The CVAS has been tested and calibrated in preparation for verication and safeguards measurements.