Evaluation of Effectiveness for MC&A Programs

Victoria Longmire - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Rebecca Stevens - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Scott F. Demuth - Los Alamos National Laboratory
David D. Wilkey - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Barbara J. Sinkule - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Pamela Dawson - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Lynn Preston - US Department of Energy Office of Security and Safety
Richard Strittmater - Los Alamos National Laboratory
This paper is a progress report on a joint Los Alamos and Sandia National Laboratories effort to develop tools to evaluate MC&A system effectiveness and perform vulnerability assessments based on the system effectiveness metrics. It summarizes the work that the two labs have completed to date and provides an overview of the work remaining. The Department of Energy Office of Technology Development, SO-20.3, is presently considering whether it is possible to model MC&A programs at DOE facilities in order to better determine the need for and prioritize potential technology development projects. The intent is to develop an objective method of evaluating MC&A programs, to model the effect of changes to the systems used by the programs, and to quantify the extent to which these changes improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the programs. Project milestones include a review of the risk analysis tool developed at Sandia, ATLAS, to determine how MC&A system elements could be incorporated, identification of MC&A system elements and activities for which effectiveness metrics can be developed, and developing the metrics for these system elements. In addition, the milestones include validation of the system elements and effectiveness metrics by potential users. Upon completion of the development of MC&A system effectiveness metrics, we will determine the feasibility of integrating the data elements and process required for evaluation of MC&A effectiveness metrics into ATLAS.