A modern, fully functional system for accountability of nuclear materials (NM) at Luch has been developed during the 8-year cooperation between Luch and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This MC&A system is now in routine operation. The scope and major components of the system were derived from the MC&A plan which was developed jointly by Luch and U.S. experts. A system of the normative documents which regulates all MC&A activity based on Russian Federal and Ministry Rules has been developed at Luch. The new MC&A structure includes six MBAs with different categories of material. Each MBA has its associated KMPs which are equipped with electronic scales and Canberra InSpector gamma spectrometer systems. MBAs handling bulk materials of Category I & II, use portable gamma spectrometers (RPG-09) and techniques for estimations of material holdup in the equipment. The Central Analytical Lab (CAL) provides all MBAs with destructive measurements for accounting using modern equipment: mass spectrometer Finnigan MAT262 (uranium enrichment) and an automated Davies-Gray installation (uranium content). Quality control processes have been instituted for all types of MC&A measurements. State level standards, including reference samples produced in USA, are used in the CAL. Control charts are plotted for daily updated measurements. The laboratory information system, \"SULIKO\", operates on-line and successfully maintains DA data for storage and processing. The Metrological MC&A group has three weight comparators including a set of standard weight samples. This group provides all MBAs with certified mass samples. All NDA measurement groups are provided with standard uranium samples made and certified at Luch. TIDs with unique serial numbers, video surveillance and the \"two-person rule\" supported by technical means are applied for NM control. Bar-code technology is widely used for items and NM location control. Portable NM PRM-470 radiation monitors and portable gamma spectrometers (mMCA-430) are utilized during cargo and waste transfers. A certified MC&A computer network covering all Luch MBAs has been put into trial operation. Two MBAs currently participate in work with the Federal Information System (FIS). Computerized data are regularly compared with manual accounting logs. The MC&A is functioning successfully. The system to insure its long-term, stable operation is under development through intensive discussions with the U.S. experts. The main features of the MC&A system are discussed in this report.