The United States has agreed to pursue cooperative nuclear Material Protection, Control & Accounting (MPC&A) programs with the Republic of Kazakstan, As part of this cooperation, a state system of control, accounting and physical protection for nuclear materials is being developed. The U, S, Department of Energy is providing assistance at the four nuclear sites in the Republic to enhance MPC&A systems, techniques, hardware, software, procedures, and training. U.S. survey teams, which include both material control and accounting (MC&A) and physical protection experts, have visited four nuclear sites in Kazakstan. MPC&A assistance is being provided to the Ulba State Holding Company, the Institute of Atomic Energy at Kurchatov City and Ala Tau, and the Mangyshlak Atomic Energy Complex (MAEC) BN-350 nuclear power plant in Aktau. At these sites, the facility staffs and DOE technical teams are working together to identifi conditions not completely conforming with accepted international standards, as well as potential enhancements to correct such conditions, Design packages for enhancements at each of these facilities are prepared in collaboration with Kazakstani specialists. After agreement is reached on the specflcations by the U.S. and Kazakstan, MPC&A equipment is procured and installed This paper summarizes the approach to the imperative programs at these facilities, program status, and future plans.