Waste Package and Material Testing for the Proposed Yucca Mountain High-Level Waste Repository

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Thomas W. Doering - Bechtel SAIC Co.
V. Pasupathi - Bechtel SAIC Co.
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Over the repository lifetime, the waste package containment barriers will perform various functions that will change with time. During the operational period, the barriers will function as vessels for handling, emplacement, and waste retrieval (if necessary). During the years following repository closure, the containment barriers will be relied upon to provide substantially complete containment, through 10,000 years and beyond. Following the substantially complete containment phase, the barriers and the waste package internal structures help minimize release of radionuclides by aqueousand gaseous-phase transport. These requirements have led to a defense-in-depth design philosophy. A multi-barrier design will result in a lower breach rate distributed over a longer period of time, thereby ensuring the regulatory requirements are met.
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