Taking the Long View in a Time of Great Uncertainty Preparing for Social Chain Reactions

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Jack Jekowski - Innovative Technology Partnerships LLC
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In the last two issues of the JNMM, wetraced the remarkable journey by theObama Administration in its efforts topursue the seemingly impossible goalthat many have had since the dawn ofthe atomic age: the elimination of nuclearweapons and the creation of a newinternational order. We also explored thecomplexities of the nuclear fuel cycle withguest columnist, INMM Vice PresidentKen Sorenson, in the context of worldevents and the recent reorganization of theInstitute’s technical divisions. Those firsttwo columns have sparked some e-mailexchanges with members, including JimLarrimore, the chair of the InternationalSafeguards Division, that indicate a genuineinterest exists in creating a forum todiscuss current and future events and whatmore the INMM can do to better preparefor very different futures.
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