Summary of the Closing Plenary Session of the 42nd INMM Annual Meeting

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James Lemley - Brookhaven National Laboratory
Amy Whitworth - National Nuclear Security Administration
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Again this year the Closing Plenary concluded four full days of technical sessions at the 42nd Annual Meeting. In this session, organized each year by the INMM Government-Industry Liaison Committee, planning and policy issues affecting government and the nuclear community and of general interest to Annual Meeting participants are addressed at a broader level than in the regular technical sessions. This year's Closing Plenary brought together presentations that emphasized new directions in three important areas. The management of the U.S. Nonproliferation and National Security Agency will be emphasizing fielddeveloped initiatives and responsibility to improve the effectiveness of safeguards and security as well as morale at the facilities it serves. As a nongovernmental, not-for-'profit organization, the Nuclear Threat Initiative is defining the contributions it can make toward reduction of the threat presented by weapons-usable nuclear materials in many parts of the world. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is preparing to respond to increasing interest by the nuclear industry for the licensing of new nuclear power plants and other facilities.
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