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During the past quarter century, at U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/NNSA) sites tremendous progress has been made through DOE Office of Security Policy-sponsored research and development (R&D) programs in improving materials control and accountability (MC&A) measurements and accountancy of special nuclear materials (SNM). However, during this same period of time, site labor costs and compliance costs have increased exponentially, while the performance of the MC&A function at each site has remained virtually the same. This means that performing the MC&A function still requires shutting down all operational activities and sending in teams of well-trained personnel to make measurements, cleanout processes, and inspect seals to ensure that no SNM is missing. This function and process continues to be very labor intensive and time-consuming, and risks being compromised if costs continue to grow. New technology and R&D is needed to ensure that SNM inventories at DOE/NNSA sites will remain safe and secure, and be reconciled in a relatively fast and cost-effective manner. This report describes the short-term and long-term issues, needs, and opportunities that currently exist at DOE/NNSA sites. We also emphasize reasons why MC&A systems at DOE/NNSA sites must be modernized to thwart emerging threats and rising operational costs, if we want to achieve our MC&A modernization goal of unobtrusive surveillance with instantaneous accountability.
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