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Introduction This year marks the 20th anniversary of Japan's signing of the NIT based Safeguards Agreement with the IAEA. A symposium sponsored by the Science and Technology Agency (STA) was held in Tokyo on February 17, 1997, inviting experts from various institutions in Japan and overseas (ABACC, EURATOM, IAEA and USDOE) to discuss related issues and increase the participants' understanding of the future role of the safeguards regime amid the changing circumstances of nuclear nonproliferation and safeguards systems.
The symposium was organized into three parts as follows:
- Session 1: Safeguards in Japan in the last 20 years,
- Session 2: Current status of safeguards based on recent international situations, and
- Session 3: Prospect safeguards regime in Japan and the East Asia region in the 21st century.
This paper summarizes the symposium.