Nuclear Materials: Current and Future Regulatory Challenges

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Gregory B. Jaczko - U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
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Thank you for the introduction. I amhonored to be here today at the Instituteof Nuclear Materials Management’s 51stAnnual Meeting to share my thoughts onsome of the important regulatory issuesbefore the Nuclear Regulatory Commission(NRC). For over half a century, theInstitute has been dedicated to advancingsafe and secure management practicesand promoting professional excellenceamong materials management professionals.You can justifiably take great pridein the Institute’s past accomplishments. Iwas pleased to read in the message fromyour Vice President Scott Vance aboutthis organization’s commitment not torest on its laurels—to achieve even morein the next fifty years than it did in itsfirst half century. That is exactly the kindof approach that everyone in the nuclearfield—regulators, licensees, and stakeholders—should maintain as we to seekto advance our shared safety and securityobjectives.
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