Method and Setup for Measuring Trace Levels of Heavy Fissionable Elements Using Delayed Neutron Counting

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V.M. Piksaikin - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
A.A. Goverdovski - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
Gennady Pshakin - Analytical Center for Nonproliferation
S.G. Isaev - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
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After the unlimited extension of the Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1995 and approval by Member States Additional Protocol under the 93+2 Program, traditional safeguards approaches must be enhanced using new methods and techniques. One such method uses environmental sampling to trace undeclared activities such as enrichment and spent fuel reprocessing. This paper discusses methods for measuring trace levels of fissionable nuclides, using the delayed neutron counting technique. The electrostatic accelerator-based method uses the source to determine ultra-trace levels (nano grams) of fissionable nuclides. In addition, a new method for determining sample isotopic content is proposed. This method is based on the systematic of the average half-life of delayed neutron precursors for different fissioning systems. 9Be(d,n)'°B reaction as a neutron
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