Integration:Transparency and Understanding as the Basis for Credible Judgment and Safeguards Conclusions

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Mike Beaman - United Kingdom Safeguards Office
Glenn Hawkins - United Kingdom Safeguards Office
Lawrence Johnson
William McCarthy - UK Department of Trade and Industry
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Basic ideas of consolidation and optimization go back to the consideration of measures to strengthen safeguards, which preceded Program 93+2 in the early 1990s—and, some would argue, well before that. Board approval of the model Additional Protocol and coining of the phrase integrated safeguards gave renewed focus and impetus to such consideration, and during the ensuing process it would seem the phrase “integrated safeguards” has come to mean a range of things to those involved. This article picks out some of the words and concepts that have recurred throughout the debate and development of integrated safeguards in attempting to examine key aspects and attitudes which, in our view, will help ensure that expectations of being able to use the Additional Protocol to open the road to integrated safeguards can be fully realized.
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