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With the introduction of the Additional Protocol to comprehensive safeguards agreements, the IAEA has new measures that strengthen its safeguards regime. The introduction of these new measures enables the IAEA to obtain increased assurances of the absence of undeclared nuclear activities and nuclear material in a state. Having implemented these new measures, having obtained credible assurance of the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities, and having concluded there was no diversion of declared nuclear material, the application of traditional safeguards measures with those of the Additional Protocol can be optimized resulting in an effective and efficient safeguards system. Such a system, centered on openness and transparency, is proposed for the Canadian nuclear-fuel cycle. The foundation of the approach is extensive declarations of activities related to the nuclear-fuel cycle, near-real-time reporting of nuclear material movements, and enhanced access to nuclear-fuel cycle locations, including the use of remote monitoring and satellite imagery. The approach is designed to give the IAEA comprehensive information of nuclear activities and material in the state which will be analysed extensively to determine what follow-up activities need be undertaken, including inspections and complementary access that should be targeted to specific locations. The approach becomes information driven at the state level rather than a facility by facility approach as is currently undertaken.
Additional File(s) in Volume