Integrated Safeguards: Conceptual Framework and Scheme of a State-level Approach

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Sonia Fernandez Moreno - Brazilian Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Material
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IAEA safeguards are very important instruments of the international nuclear nonproliferation regime. Argentina considers it important to improve international safeguards, and thus, it has been actively involved from the beginning of this process in contributing to its development. In May 1997, the IAEA Board of Governors approved the Model Additional Protocol effectiveness and improving the efficiency of safeguards. For states with comprehensive safeguards agreements, the measures adopted provide credible assurance on the absence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities. This increased assurance allows reducing current verification efforts while strengthening the international safeguards system. At five years after the approval of the Model Additional Protocol, substantive work has been done and progress achieved for its implementation and its integration with current international safeguards. However, there is still much to be done, especially in the area of integrated safeguards (IS). The objective of this paper is twofold. It reflects some considerations related to the IS conceptual basis and provides a preliminary view on a possible state-level approach to Argentina's nuclear fuel cycle activities. 1 aimed at strengthening the
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