Integrated Safeguards: Australia's Views and Experience

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John Carlson - Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office
Victor Bragin - Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office
Russell Leslie - Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office
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Australia is the first state in which integrated safeguards are being applied. As such, Australia's experience will be of interest to other states as they consult with the IAEA on the modalities for the introduction of integrated safeguards in their jurisdictions. In January 2001, the IAEA approved an integrated safeguards approach for Australia on a state-as-a-whole level. This approach relies inter alia on unannounced inspections, and on complementary access to provide the necessary level of assurance as to the absence of undeclared activities. The purpose of this paper is to outline Australia's experience with strengthened safeguards and Australia's views on the implementation of integrated safeguards. Other matters discussed include the logistics of complementary access and unannounced inspections.
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