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The term in the early-1990s, and the term into the safeguards lexicon in the late-1990s. Although the terms might be new, the concepts are not. Both concepts have been used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and its inspectors since the early-1980s, but then the terms transparency was introduced into the safeguards lexiconinformation barrier was introducedtransparency and these concepts have evolved in recent years, and both have been applied to a broader category of special nuclear material measurement problems. An information barrier uses hardware, software, and procedures or administrative controls to help obtain transparency in the measurement of sensitive material. The IAEA implemented an early information barrier concept to protect proprietary information when performing inspections of gas-centrifuge uranium enrichment facilities. This early example will be compared with the features of a current, state-of-the-art information barrier technology designed for use in nonproliferation, arms control, and dismantlement. This comparison of these two examples of an implementation of an information barrier will show that many concepts of current information barriers can be found in the concepts employed approximately twenty years ago. Predictably, current information barriers have added features that are based on advances in technology and more stringent requirements to protect more sensitive information. information barrier were not used. The definitions of
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