Development of the IAEA Nuclear Security Recommendations on Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials and Nuclear Facilities (INFCIRC/225/Rev.5)

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Christopher Price - Office for Civil Nuclear Security
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Following more than three years of work, the International AtomicEnergy Agency (IAEA) published in January 2011 the fifthrevision of INFCIRC/225, its recommendations on The PhysicalProtection of Nuclear Material and Nuclear Facilities that will alsobe a Recommendations document in its Nuclear Security series.The previous revision of this document was published in 1999,since which time there has been a significant increase in the intentand capability of sub-national groups who pose a threat to nuclearmaterial and facilities. INFCIRC/225 has been substantiallyrevised to take not only this into account, but also the new internationalinstruments related to physical protection, especially the2005 Amendment to the Convention on the Physical Protectionof Nuclear Material (CPPNM). INFCIRC/225 has achievedhigh international status through being referenced in many bilateralnuclear cooperation/supply agreements (and more recentlyin the International Convention on the Suppression of Acts ofNuclear Terrorism) as the standard to be taken into account inprotecting nuclear material. This paper recalls the history of thedevelopment of INFCIRC/225 and describes the background toits most recent revision, as well as the process and approach adoptedduring this revision. This was considerably more complexthan previously because of the need to agree on boundaries betweenit and two new IAEA Recommendations documents beingdeveloped concurrently, whilst ensuring a consistent approach tothe development of all three documents. Significant changes toINFCIRC/225 are detailed, such as new sections on the locationand recovery of missing or stolen nuclear material and mitigatingthe radiological consequences of sabotage. Restructuringthe chapter on the state’s regime against the Physical ProtectionFundamental Principles and the essential elements identified inthe draft IAEA Fundamentals has resulted in clearer and morecomprehensive coverage of this aspect. Throughout the chapterson the protection of material during use, storage, and transport,more emphasis is now placed upon a performance-based approach.Revision 5 will facilitate ratification and implementationof the Amendment to the CPPNM by providing greater clarityon its provisions, as well as serve as a global reference point forphysical protection for the next 10 years.
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