Creating a Next Generation Nuclear Material Security Architecture

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Kenneth Luongo - Partnership for Global Security
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IntroductionI am very pleased to address the INMMAnnual Meeting today. I consider INMMto be one of the great resources for the promotionof global nuclear material security.Its members are one of the foremost repositoriesof knowledge on protectingnuclear materials and ensuring that theglobal community can continue to safelyutilize nuclear technology for peaceful andproductive purposes.This afternoon, I’d like to talk abouthow changes in the global environmentin recent years have impacted the securitystructures and mechanisms that we relyon to keep nuclear and radiological materialsout of the hands of terrorists. ThenI’d like to offer some suggestions for howwe can and should move beyond the currentnuclear material security architectureto develop a more robust barrier against thedevastating possibility of nuclear terrorism.
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