Capabilities of Ruthenium Isotopes in Distinguishing Spent Reactor Fuel Type and Burnu p

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William S. Charlton - Texas A&M University
Jane Poths - Los Alamos National Laboratory
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V-31_2.pdf7.42 MB
A computational study was performed to determine the capability of using ruthenium deposits around a reprocessing facility to determine the burnup of the fuel reprocessed and the type of reactor that produced the fuel. The higher-mass ruthenium isotopes are produced in significant quantity via fission. It was shown that the four stable and one radioactive fissiogenic isotopes yielded a significant discrimination capability. For the four reactor types studied here, it was shown that a spread of more than 50 p e rcent in certain isotopic ratios existed between the reactor types. This separation of the reactor types should allow for good discrimination of burnup and fuel type.
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