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Radiation-measurement systems are central to the affirmation of compliance with a variety of agreements related to arms control and nonproliferation. which the monitoring party gains appropriate confidence that the information reported by a monitoring system accurately reflects the true state of the monitored item. Authentication employs a set of tools to provide evidence that a system performs its required and defined tasks. These tools include functional testing using trusted unclassified calibration sources, evaluation of documentation including the software, evaluation of hardware, random selection of hardware and software, and use of tamper-indicating devices. Procedures for carrying out authentication are central to the successful implementation of the complex process of authenticating systems throughout their life cycle. These can be divided into the elements of design, fabrication, installation, and operations. In this paper, we focus on U.S. authentication requirements. Radiation-measurement systems are now being specified that are the subject of U.S. authentication activities. We introduce the concept of authentication-assurance levels (AALs) to measure the effectiveness of authentication.
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