An Approach for Depleted and Low-Enriched Uranium Verification by Passive - and X-Ray

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Sayed A. El-Mongy - Atomic Energy AuthorityNuclear Safety Center
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V-31_4.pdf436.13 KB
Tons of depleted uranium (DU) are generated every year as a byproduct of enrichment processes. DU is a safeguarded nuclear material subject to accounting and verification everywhere. Verification of DU and low-enriched uranium (LEU) in a high background and with interferences decreases the reliability and performance of the measurements. This paper introduces an approach to verify depleted and low-enriched uranium based on eliminate any interference and contribution to the 185.7 keV of - and x- ray ratios. This is to 235 and 205/1,001, can be used for verification of depleted and lowenriched uranium with high accuracy. The suggested 98 keV of U X-ray and the 98/1,001 x- efficient for the accountancy of the investigated nuclear materials.
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