The newly commissioned Y-12 Nuclear Detection and Sensor Testing Center (NDSTC) provides a testing environment that allows members of the research and development community to test radiation detection capabilities using Special Nuclear Material (SNM); primary Enriched and Highly Enriched Uranium (EU – HEU). ‘Site 2’ consists of multiple testing venues available for use by university researchers, nuclear instrumentation companies, national laboratory personnel, and others including United States citizens and foreign nationals, with prior approval. Individuals need not hold security clearances in order to visit and perform measurement experiments at this Y- 12 NDSTC Site. Site 2 allows access to category IV quantities of 235U. Sources available for testing include uranium compounds and metals. Metallic uranium standards that contain from 3% to 93% 235U are available for use. Radiological Signature Training Devices which closely replicate the gamma-ray spectra of much larger masses of 235U, also may be deployed for measurements. This site went online in the fall of 2010 and is now accepting applications for measurement experiments. Instrumentation systems and detectors for measuring both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation may be accommodated. Center users are allowed to deploy and operate their own instrumentation, with Y-12 operator oversight, and data can be reviewed and released in a timely manner. The center’s physical layout, support equipment, source availability, and use requirements will be discussed in this presentation.