Y-12 Nuclear Detection and Sensor Testing Center

C. D. Hull - Y-12 National Security Complex
Y-12 is developing the Nuclear Detection and Sensor Testing Center (NDSTC). The primary purpose of NDSTC is enhance accessibility, reduce costs, and time required for researchers to deploy and test their instrumentation with Highly Enriched Uranium (HEU). Two detector testing sites are in development. The first site (classified applications only) includes up to Category I and II materials within a highly protected facility that houses HEU metal, components, assemblies, specific objects, etc. An area within this facility is being designed for active interrogation of components and assemblies utilizing pulsed and steady-state D-T and D-D neutron generators, as well as 252Cf sources. A second set of testing sites will be available to personnel with and without security clearances from universities, domestic and perhaps foreign nuclear instrumentation companies, etc. Examples of source materials in this second site include up to Category III, unclassified HEU metal components, U compounds, and objects that replicate gamma-ray signatures of larger quantities of HEU. Input is sought from funding agencies and potential users in order to develop comprehensive listings of advanced materials, detector components, and instrumentation systems requested for deployment at Y-12. Input is also sought for testing scenarios with types and quantities of materials and specific source components to be interrogated, shielding and moderator requirements / configurations, support instrumentation and electronics, data storage and retrieval systems, calibration sources, and all associated equipment. Testing services are planned to go online by Q2 FY11.