Working Toward Robust Process Monitoring for Safeguards Applications

Alan M. Krichinsky - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Chris Pickett - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Nathan C. Rowe - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
G.D. Richardson - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
M.D. Laughter - Oak Ridge National Laboratory
J.M. Younkin - Oak Ridge Gaseous Diffusion Plant
Lisa Bell - Student Intern, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
L. Paul Miller - Student Intern, Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education
New safeguards technologies allow continuous monitoring of plant processes. Efforts to deploy these technologies, as described in a preponderance of literature, typically have consisted of case studies attempting to prove their efficacy in proof-of-principle installations. While the enhanced safeguards capabilities of continuous monitoring have been established, studies thus far have not addressed such challenges as manipulation of a system by a host nation. To prevent this and other such vulnerabilities, one technology, continuous load cell monitoring, was reviewed. This paper will present vulnerabilities as well as mitigation strategies that were identified.