Wireless Networking for International Safeguards

Don Glidewell - Sandia National Laboratories
Don Glidewell - Sandia National Laboratories
Susan A. Caskey - Sandia National Laboratories
Heidi Anne Smartt - Sandia National Laboratories
Heidi Anne Smartt - Sandia National Laboratories
Masato Hori - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Yu Hashimoto - Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute
Jason Coombs - SNL
Jason Coombs - SNL
Susan Caskev - Sandia National Laboratories
Wireless networking using the IEEE 802.11standards is a viable alternative for data communications in safeguards applications. This paper discusses the range of 802.11-based networking applications, along with their advantages and disadvantages. For maximum performance, safety, and security, Wireless networking should be implemented only after a comprehensive site survey has determined detailed requirements, hazards, and threats.