VNIITF-Wide Computerized Nuclear Materials Accounting and Control System

Yu. I. Churikov - Russian Federal Nuclear Center—All-Russian Institute of Technical Physics (RFNC-VNIITF)
John A. Blasy - Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Kenneth E. Apt - Los Alamos National Laboratory
L. Neymotin - BNL
Vitaliy Zuev - VNIITF
Sergei V. Gagarinov - RFNC-VNIITF
Victor V. Belov - RFNC-VNIITF
Alevtin M. Karpov - RFNC-VNIITF
Andrei A. Korneev - RFNC-VNIITF
This system is developing within the US/Russian MPC&A Program. The purpose of the system is to protect nuclear materials against unauthorized actions of personnel (as a potential insider). This is provided by computer-aided solution of the following tasks: • Determining the quantities of nuclear materials present within each place of their location; • Preparing, recording and maintaining accounting and reporting documents; • Timely detection of losses (excesses), unauthorized use and theft of nuclear materials (abnormal situations); • Providing adequate information on the presence and transactions of nuclear materials, abnormal situations to the Institute officials, higher organizations and Centers; • Emergency response to abnormal situations. The system is well incorporated into the existing management and security system for nuclear materials at VNIITF. The system will cover the overall processing cycle of nuclear materials management, have several levels, function in the advanced operational environment, in the isolated computer network and be interfaced with measuring, monitoring and other equipment (in real time), will be integrated with the physical protection system and be apart of the State nuclear materials control and accounting system and provide information and computer support for the VNIITF management (and division management), appropriate VNIITF services, personnel of dispatcher stations (Institute, sites), MBA personnel.