The main objective of Virtual Reality – VR – is creating a computer-based experience normally by means of realistically simulated environments and associated interactions. A realistic, three- dimensional, interactive, real-time computer graphics model is key to 'cheating' someone's sensory perception system and make an individual feel inside, i.e., immersed, into the environment being simulated. Some simulators go beyond the visual experience and include other sensory information devices. Special devices provide the interaction between the individual and the environment. This interaction is normally tuned for specific application areas or fields of work. For some years the European Commission's Joint Research Centre has done R&D work on the application of VR based techniques to Nuclear Safeguards and Security. The purpose of this paper is to describe two VR based demonstrators. The first demonstrator aims at easing the design and planning for the installation of containment and surveillance devices at a nuclear site under Safeguards. In practice, this means choosing the appropriate equipment (e.g., surveillance cameras and optics) and accessories as well as selecting a suitable location in the real environment under surveillance. The Safeguards inspector can iteratively and interactively assess the vulnerability of the designed surveillance system by dynamically simulating different scenarios with moving items and characters, by changing sensor parameters and, if necessary, by introducing redundancy in the equipment. As a consequence, the nuclear inspector can increase her/his confidence in the design, both in terms of robustness and cost- effectiveness. S/he can further make a detailed preparation of the on-site installation, improving therefore the efficiency and reducing costs. The second demonstrator illustrates the use of VR technologies for a border security application, namely the training of customs officers when inspecting cargo trucks. Customs officers are key to the timely detection of illegal materials and sources during transportation and border crossing. The demonstrator follows typical customs procedures workflow, the aim being to let the officer getting acquainted with the use of radiation detection equipment within the context of his/her overall border security task. The demonstrator includes a radiation detector portal and comprises the operation by the customs officer of radiation detection equipment. Finally, in a more general perspective, the paper discusses the different ways that virtual-reality based tools can be used in radiation detection training, while minimising the use of radioactive sources.