Verification on Loading of CANDU Spent Fuel into Canister Using Optical Fiber Scintillator

Wan Ki Yoon - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Young-Myung Choi - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jang Soo Shin - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Jung-Soo Kim - Korea Institute of Nuclear Non-proliferation and Control
Yong Deok Lee - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute,
Jong Soo Kim - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Jin-Soo An - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Il-Jin Park - Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Four CANDU NPPs are being operated commercially in Korea. The spent fuels from the NPPs are moved to spent fuel dry storage canisters for about two months every year. PDI regarded to fuel transfer will be expected drastically increasing due to operation of the new NPPs in 2006. Three OFS assemblies, which consists of OFS, passive fiber cable, PMT, pre-amplifier with amplifier, and mini MCA, were made and tested for the verification of the spent fuel baskets on loading into canisters during transfer campaign. The purpose of the test is to confirm the capability of the OFS assemblies to maintain COK by measuring neutron and gamma ray when the baskets are loaded into canister. The result shows that gamma ray counting is proportional to the number of the baskets. For neutron counting, however, OFS assemblies (b) and (c) need to improve the detection sensitivity and analysis power. The OFS assemblies have high potential to be used for the spent fuel verification for Wolsung CANDU canister.