The Office of Security Evaluations (OSE) of the Department of Energy (DOE) is charged with evaluating the effectiveness of DOE safeguards and security programs and policies. This responsibil- ity has been met by performing inspections on a fixed frequency at intervals established in 1984 by precedent. In the face of limited resources, and considering the major improvements in safe- guards and security throughout the complex, one must now establish inspection frequencies on a more analytical basis. To satisfy this need a methodology has been developed for scheduling inspections at variable frequencies. Here inspection frequency of a facility is determined by (1) the facility's relative ranking based on risk management considerations, and (2) the resources available for inspection. A facility's relative rank in an inspection priority list of DOE facilities is based on a parameter which is a function of threat, vulnerability, and consequen- ces (TVC). In addition to prioritizing facili- ties, inspection topics for a given facility can be established using the methodology.