When the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Material Control & Accountability (MC&A) community began developing the Safeguards First Principles Initiative (SFPI) in 2006, the COMPASS model (COMPASS is an acronym derived from COMPrehensive Assessment of Safeguards Strategies) was used to evaluate the effectiveness of program performance. Now, five years into implementation, the model is being used at Y12 for the monthly program metrics reported to the site office. A monthly review of selected sub-elements provides a comprehensive review of the performance and early identification of trends. Recently, other Safeguards and Security groups, such as Physical Security and Information Security, were faced with the need for a more detailed program evaluation to support the use of the NNSA Policy (NAP) implementation. Using MC&A lessons learned, rudimentary formulas were developed for these two groups, and are currently being reviewed for applicability. This paper will discuss how MC&A lessons learned supported the use of COMPASS in other topical areas and provide examples of the primary models developed.