Using the DoD Architecture Framework and System Modeling Language for the Development of Security System Architectures

L. Cano - Sandia National Labs
Security of special materials has become a more complex task as the threats have changed and the number of stakeholders has increased. The physical protection of assets requires a broader assessment of threats and a robust delay, detection, and response architecture. Sandia National Laboratories has been investigating the use of various tools to define robust and responsive architectures that can be effectively implemented for the protection of special materials across a broad spectrum of threats. This includes the development of interfaces to local, state, federal, and international agencies, which would in turn allow these agencies to coordinate their efforts to respond to a security event. In particular, we have evaluated DoDAF 1.5 (DoD Architecture Framework version 1.5) integrated with Systems Modeling Language (SysML) to develop use cases, scenarios, and requirements for a broad spectrum of physical security systems. This paper outlines the use of DoDAF and SysML for the design of security systems and how these tools can be used to develop interfaces with various stakeholder agencies.