Calorimetric assay has been an important part of the nondestructive assay (NDA) program for over 40 years. Recently, many improvements and innovations have been developed and implemented to assist calorimeter operators in achieving better use of their existing systems. These include a more user friendly operator computer interface, a more detailed printout at the end of each run, improved data processing to eliminate operator error and improved system monitoring to detect system or environmental problems. The development of an electrical calibration heater which can be used instead of Pu-238 heat standards to verify calorimeter calibration and several automation systems have also been developed to attain better calorimeter performance. The implementation of these improvements either together or separate, will allow calorimetry users to achieve improved throughput, more accurate measurements and reduced operator strain and reduced radioactive exposure. These developments are available to existing users by retrofitting existing systems as well as to new users through system integration development.