In September 1993, an implementing agreement was signed that authorized collaborative projects to enhance Russian national materials control and accounting, physical protection, and regulatory activities, with US assistance funded by the Nunn-Lugar Act. At the first USRussian technical working group meeting in Moscow in February 1994, it was decided to identifi a “model” facility where materials protection, control, and accounting (MPC&A) and regulatory projects could be carried out using proven technologies and approaches. The lowenriched uranium (LEU or RBMK and VVER) fuel-fabrication process at Elektrostal was selected, and collaborative work began in June 1994. Based on many factors, including initial successes at Elektrostal, the Russians expanded the cooperation by proposing five additional sites for MPC&A development: The Elektrostal mediumenriched uranium (MEU or BN) fuel-fabrication process and additional facilities at Podolsk, Dmitrovgrad, Obninsk, and Mayak. Since that time, multilaboratory teams have been formed to develop and implement MPC&A upgrades at the additional sites, and much new work is underway. This paper summarizes the current status of MPC&A enhancement projects in the LEU fuelfabrication process and discusses the status of work that addresses similar enhancements in the MEU (BN) fiel processes at Elektrostal, under the recently expanded USRussian MPC&A cooperation.