Since 1992,the U.S. Nuclear RegulatoryCommission(NRC)has been wrking to help improvenuclear safeguardsat both the nationaland facilitylevelsin the formerSoviet Union (FSU). Underthe U.S. CooperativeThreatReduction(CTR) Program,NRC and DOE have been given responsibilityand fundingby the Departmentof Defenseto jointly lead the U.S. assistanceprogramsto enhanceFSU systemsof nuclear materialcontroland accounting (MC&A)and physicalprotection. NRC also providessafeguardsassistance to Russiaunderthe LibsonNuclear Safety Initiative,using funds from the Agencyfor International Development.The NRC has focusedon assistanceto supportKazakstan, Russia,and Ukrainein developing regulations,a facilitylicensing process,and an inspectionprogram. This paper describesNRC’s accomplishmentsinceJune 1995 in safeguardsregulatoryassistanceto the FSU, and plans for additional activitiesin the future.