Having had the opportunity last year to adress the INMM, i better appreciate today the role i play as an outsider at this important gathering of predominantly governmental, physical scientists. As a political scientist who also directs an NGO, I am pleased to present my personal perspctives on US Russian cooperation for MPC&A. I have tried to follow the issue closely since the inilation of the lab-tolab program: I have visited ten nuclear facilities in the post-Soveitstates over the pas four years I have had a chance to observe firsthand the evolution of international cooperative activities:I also am informed by the visits to many additional sites by my Montery Institure staff and my colse colleagues in the US government: and i benefir by numbers conversations on the subject with my namy friends in the nuclear industry in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan. I have not, however, been to a nuclear site in the past nine months, nor do i pretend to reflect, as the title of the presentation in the program suggests, a wider sample of US NGO views.