The Tripartite Seminars at the RMTC: An Overview of Progress in Nuclear Material Control and Accounting (MC&A) Training

G. Pshakin - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
D. Dickman - PNNL
B. Ryazanov, - Institute of Physics and Power Engineering
C Crawford - PNNL
The development of the Russian Methodological and Training Center (RMTC) has been an important element of collaboration between the Russian Federation (RF), the European Commission (EC), and the United States (US). The RMTC, located at the Institute of Physics and Power Engineering (IPPE) in Obninsk, Russia has been designated by the Russian Federal Atomic Energy Agency(Rosatom – formerly Minatom) to provide nuclear materials, control and accounting training to Rosatom and the Federal Environmental, Industrial and Nuclear Supervision Services (Rostechnadzor – formerly Gosatomnadzor) personnel. In addition, the RMTC was chartered with the responsibility of providing a venue for exchange of experiences and information between Russian and international specialists. With that purpose in mind, the US, EC and RF coordinators for RMTC organized a series of “Tripartite Seminars” covering several areas of interest in MC&A in the RF. To date, Five seminars have been held at the RMTC. The first seminar, held in 1997, focused on MC&A issues and problems encountered in fuel fabrication plants. The second seminar in 1998 covered MC&A activities in radiochemical and reprocessing plants. The third seminar, held in 2000, dealt with “The Role of Measurements in Physical Inventory Taking and Physical Inventory Verification in RF Facilities.” The last two seminars (2002 and 2006) were conducted after the implementation of federal rules on MC&A (OPUK) and dealt with “Assessment of Nuclear Materials Content and Inventory in By-product Streams” and “Control and Accountability Measures Applied to Nuclear Material Transfer Processes” respectively. Seminars are normally attended by 50-60 Russian experts from the most important nuclear facilities all over the RF, as well as from Rosatom and Rostechnadzor, and by 8-12 experts from the European Union (EU) and U.S. Scientists from the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) also contributed papers and items for discussion at the seminars. The principal goal of the seminar series was to provide opportunities for RF experts to present their achievements and activities, and to allow an exchange of information and experiences among RF facilities and between RF, EU and US experts as well as to strengthen relationships among colleagues, and enhance communication networks for communicating about future accomplishments and issues. Participants always particularly appreciated the opportunity to exchange experiences, discuss the newly installed technologies and discuss questions in an open and extended fashion. The result of each seminar was a printed set of proceedings, containing all papers and abstracts. Copies were sent to participants as well as to the US and EU, to further disseminate the collected information.