Transportation Package for Use in Facilities with Limited Crane Capacity

Catherine Shelton - Transnuclear, Inc.
Michael Valenzano - Transnuclear, Inc.
The Logistics Business Unit (BUL) of the AREVA Group is responsible for managing the transport of radioactive and nuclear materials for the other AREVA business units and for external customers. This includes comprehensive services such as supply of certified packages, logistics planning and transportation services. The BUL operates an extensive fleet of packages dedicated to materials across the nuclear fuel cycle and also manages and operates packages on behalf of the French Commissariat a l’Energie Atomique (CEA). Within this large fleet of packages, BUL identified a need for a (relatively) light-weight package to transport full-length, irradiated EPR pins that could also be positioned to serve the PWR/BWR post-irradiation examination (PIE) market as well as the research reactor irradiated fuel market. For these markets, Transnuclear Inc., a U.S.–based company belonging to the Logistic Business Unit of AREVA, is developing a new innovative cask design.