This paper presents an interim report on a memorial activity for Cecil Sonnier in recognition of his dedication to the INMM International Safeguards Division (ISD), which he founded and chaired for two decades. This activity was initiated at the INMM Annual Meeting in July 2004, and a number of persons are participating with ISD. A reexamination of ‘transparency and openness’ was selected as a suitable memorial discussion topic. IAEA Director General Dr. Hans Blix first called for transparency and openness in the international safeguards area in February 1992. In 1992-93 the Standing Advisory Group on Safeguards Implementation (SAGSI), reporting to the IAEA’s Director General, addressed these issues. In 1994 Cecil Sonnier brought that discussion into the INMM ISD. Recently, transparency and openness have again entered the discussion as the international community reacts to cases where compliance has been in question or confirmed, as well as to the nuclear proliferation black market. The ISD reexamination has found that a discussion of transparency and openness raises many issues of current importance in international safeguards and nonproliferation. In focusing on how transparency and openness contribute to the assurances that the IAEA provides to States, questions being addressed include the following. Can transparency and openness strengthen the safeguards conclusions that the IAEA draws? Does openness and transparency to the IAEA mean doing everything the safeguards agreement calls for, or going beyond the agreement? What is the role of transparency and openness with regard to safeguards on declared nuclear material and facilities, and with respect to assurances of the absence of undeclared nuclear material and activities? This interim report will introduce the reexamination and present findings to date.