Transition Efficiencies in Safeguards and Security

D.J. Frank - Science Applications International Corporation
J.E. Beranek - Science Applications International Corporation
V.F. Witherill - U.S. Department of Energy
In order to enhance the Rocky Flats Plant (RFP) safeguards and security (SAS) protection program, expedite the transition process of RFP to an industrial security mode and improve the cost effectiveness of the services provided, a Transition Efficiencies in Safeguards and Security (TESS) task force was established. Initial analysis indicated that significant improvements could be made through the implementation of enhanced efficiencies in RFP's SAS program. To systematically approach this project, especially considering the scope of the study and the benefits to be gained, a dedicated project implementation team was formed. The team was comprised of personnel from all organizations representing the appropriate disciplines that were involved. Areas of investigation for the task force were the relaxation of the two person rule, L-cleared access to Protected Area (PA) for all employees, uncleared personnel inside PA, elimination of RFP canine program, portable special nuclear material vaults, elimination/modification of security posts in the property protection area, and the use of activated barrier technology. These proposed improvements, which in many cases required changes to philosophical approaches, have provided more open site access and streamlined operations resulting in attendant costreductions. This is consistent with the vigorously pursued DOE Headquarters goal of cost reduction in the SAS of the site.