The security of the nuclear materials and reactors is ensured not only through state-of-the-art equipment and technologies, but also through competent responsible actions of qualified personnel having received necessary professional training, having acquired safe labor practices and realizing the high priority and importance of security based on motivation for actions and a responsible attitude. The presentation discusses experiences with developing a training system at the Research Institute of Scientific Instruments (RISI), a nuclear site, during the sustainability phase of the material protection, control and accountability system implementation. More specifically, experience with the training needs analysis at RISI is described as a first stage of implementation of a comprehensive approach to a nuclear site personnel training. Mechanisms of such analysis are discussed in detail, as well as the methodology and the criteria used in determining training needs. The objective of the presentation is to discuss the importance of a comprehensive approach to designing training programs, adapting them to nuclear site conditions and monitoring training implementation and using the acquired knowledge in practice.