Toward a Secure Inspection System for Nuclear Warhead Veri cation Without Information Barrier

Alexander Glaser - Princeton University
Boaz Barak - Microsoft Research New England
Robert J. Goldston - Princeton University
We previously proposed an approach to nuclear warhead verication envi- sioning an inspection system that a priori avoids detection of sensitive information, using a so-called zero-knowledge protocol. Under such a protocol, the host can prove to an inspec- tor that a warhead is authentic without revealing anything about its materials or design. The challenge remains, however, to demonstrate a practical implementation of such a system that can detect relevant violations and avoids even the possibility of snooping on electronic measurements as they are made. In this article, we examine the use of superheated drop (or \\bubble\") detectors to detect neutrons from active interrogation of an unclassied test object with 14.1-MeV neutrons. Zero-knowledge is achieved by the host pre-loading individual de- tectors so that they are \\topped up\" by the measurement itself to a previously agreed-upon, unclassied reference value. The required preloads are determined by the host prior to the inspection, but remain unknown to the inspector. The viability of the method is examined with MCNP5 Monte Carlo neutron transport calculations modeling the experimental setup, an investigation of a diversion scenario, and a mathematical analysis of the detected data.