Total Quality Management: A Consulting Business Challange

Glenn Hammond - 21st Century Industries, Inc.
Leonard M. Brenner - 21st Century Industries, Inc.
S.C.T. McDowell - 21st Century Industries, Inc.
How does a consulting business which does not manufacture hardware achieve Total Quality Management\" (TQM)? Since Dr. Edwards Deming stirred the Japanese interest in 1950 to manufacture quality products, and then in 1980 aroused the American product manufacturing giants, \"TQM\" has become an industrial life support system. While TQM had its beginnings in the product manufacturing arena, it applies equally to all industrial activities. The U.S. nuclear industry is no exception, as evidenced by the Department of Energy and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission requirements (DOE Order 5700.6C and Appendix B of 10CFR50). Today, industry is awash with publications, seminars, university courses and other communicative media aimed at enhancing and applying TQM. Discussed are the unique problems faced by a consulting business and an example of a successful approach employed by a small consulting business firm in the nuclear field. The discussion stresses the relative roles of staff and management and demonstrates the need for their complete understanding and dedication. These will provide quality services within the nuclear industry and meet the government requirements, industry standards and the stringent world class standards set by the International Standards Organization (ISO).