Temperature compensation of NaI (Tl) scintillation detectors

M.C. Browne - Los Alamos National Laboratory
J. Audia - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Robert Y. Parker - Los Alamos National Laboratory
K. Ianakiev - Los Alamos National Laboratory
Boian Alexandrov - Los Alamos National Laboratory
The temperature dependence of inorganic scintillators is nonlinear over the temperature range for outdoor implementation, mainly due to the complex change of the light yield as well as light decay time over the temperature range. Our spectrum stabilization approach is based on rough and prompt control of effects of the temperature drift that keeps the reference peak within +/-5%, as well as software peak tracking for precise correction of the energy calibration and longterm aging effects. A peak deviation less than +/- 2% was measured for the temperature range -20oC to +60oC. The experimental results and temperature behaviour of the system based on 4\"x16\"x2\" slab detectors will be discussed.