Technology Deployment Cookbook

P. J. Predhomme - Y-12 National Security Complex
To successfully manage Nuclear Material, a progressive organization must strive to stay current with technology and the improvements it can offer. The Y-12 National Security Complex is a key facility in the NNSA Complex 2030 vision. In light of reducing budgets, Y-12 must transform both its operating environment and culture to provide cost efficiencies and process improvements to maximize resource utilization and sustainment of the primary mission. This paper will attempt to outline the steps necessary to successfully deploy a technological innovation into a National Security production facility. I will use a wireless capable bar code reader as an example of a new technology for the purpose of this study. I will go through all the required activities from vendor selection, telecommunication proposal, information security certifications, system integration considerations, testing, user training, to final actual deployment. The goal is to serve as a recipe or cookbook for a technological deployment across a National Security Enterprise.