The Government of Japan obligates to implement the safeguards agreement with IAEA. The implementation could be performed by establishment to conduct findings of Japan’s national system, installation of remote monitoring system to reduce inspection efforts, secure communication by e-mail, provision of open source information and etc. IAEA safeguards in Japan will be concrete to improve effectiveness and efficiency by the Sustainable Safeguards System of Japan (3SJ). The Government of Japan designates the National System of Safeguards by Law for the Regulation of Nuclear Source Material, Nuclear Fuel Material and Reactors. The national system of safeguards have implemented safeguards activities by material accountancy, containment/surveillance and field inspection. Material accountancy reports, surveillance camera data and field inspection reports have been provided to the IAEA. The IAEA safeguards apply in accordance with the terms of the Agreement, in such a manner as to enable it to verify, in ascertaining that there has been no diversion of nuclear material from peaceful use to nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices. Japan entered into force on the agreement between the Government of Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency (INFCIRC/255) in 1977. Japan also entered into force on the protocol additional to the agreement between the Government of Japan and the International Atomic Energy Agency (INFCIRC/255/add.1) in 1999. The broader conclusion for Japan was first drawn in 2004 and since then it has been maintained. In Japan, LWRs with utilizing MOX fuel assemblies are planned at 16 to 18 reactors by 2015. In the point of safeguards, acceptance of MOX from abroad and handling of MOX must be considered very well because MOX has the characteristics of including plutonium and MOX is need many safeguards activities meant increase PDI and inspection effort. The IAEA could carry out advanced and innovative inspections by unattended surveillance system with remote data transmission and random scheduled inspection with unpredictability. Nuclear energy utilization in Japan should keep on the peaceful use by accountabilities for nuclear activities. Therefore, safeguards activities in Japan should steadily be implemented in order to promote nuclear activities using new concept safeguards system fully information driven.