Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) is carrying out a project to design and establish an Information Sharing Framework (ISF) for enhancing nuclear transparency in the Asia Pacific region. This project is a cooperative effort with Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), the Korean Institute for Nuclear Nonproliferation and Control (KINAC), and Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). In order to design and establish the ISF as a meaningful platform, it is essential to identify the needs of the potential audience (information providers and receivers) including their expectations and concerns. For this purpose, partner organizations (SNL, KINAC, KAERI and JAEA) have conducted on-line surveys and/or face-to-face interviews with the nuclear non-proliferation experts within their own organizations that were identified as primary audience of ISF. JAEA carried out face-to-face interviews with its experts including those who are in charge of nonproliferation R&D, coordination of nuclear security implementation, and training for capacity building and infrastructure development. They were queried as to information sharing activities currently carried out and future needs for further information sharing from both positions as information providers and receivers. The survey results indicated that there are various activities for information sharing currently carried out, and there continues to be a need for further information sharing. Findings from the internal JAEA surveys, along with those from SNL, KINAC, and KAERI, will be reflected to the establishment and demonstration of ISF as the next step.