Review and analysis of Safeguards surveillance data has always been a very time-consuming process because IAEA inspection personnel need to visually determine whether unusual activities were recorded by Agency monitoring equipment. Large nuclear installations, such as the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (RRP), generate a huge amount of surveillance data where this need for visual inspection occupies a significant fraction of the inspector’s available time. The Surveillance Review System (SURS) has been developed to automate surveillance data processing to a much greater extent than with common review tools and to distribute the surveillance review graphical interface to the review components for other Safeguards data. While retaining the functionality of the standard General Advanced Review Software (GARS), SURS adds elements of real-time processing and integration with other reviews that dramatically increase both the efficiency and effectiveness of detecting unusual activities. The following paper describes the structure and functionality of SURS, with emphasis on the additional capabilities when compared to GARS and the impact on inspection efficiency.