In global nuclear energy use, many emerging countries in utilization of nuclear energy should like to have a reliable system and provide services on fresh fuel supply and spent fuel treatment, free of any political disruptions to fuel their nuclear reactors. A Multilateral Nuclear Approach (MNA) as an international cooperative system among regional countries involving small emerging countries, which includes services for fresh fuel supply, spent fuel take-back/take-away, interim storage, reprocessing etc, may be able to contribute to reduction of risks on so-called 3S, safety, safeguards and security, enhancement of economic rationality, promotion of confidence-building, and prevention to the occurrence of unfair business. It is anticipated that the future development of nuclear power in Asia is apparently large as compared with the other regions (IAEA predictive statistics). A regional MNA framework of such a system, where reliable fuel-cycle services in Asia could be provided without discrimination, and meet the international 3S requirements has been studied by the University of Tokyo in cooperation with JAEA since 2008. This paper presents a specific proposal of Asian regional MNA framework as the final result of our study, although we had shown the similar framework in a series of our previous INMM papers (I)-(III). The target facilities include frontend and backend, especially, enrichment, reprocessing, MOX fabrication/storage and SF storage facilities, whereas, the target states include Japan, Republic of Korea (hereafter referred to as South Korea), China (including Taiwan), Russia, Kazakhstan and emerging countries in Asia. Some suggestions and discussion results with experts will also be introduced in the presentation.