Study on Sustainable Regional Nuclear Fuel Cycle Framework from Nuclear Non-Proliferation Viewpoint (?) Prerequisites for formulation of the Framework

T. Adachi - The University of Tokyo
R. Takashima - The University of Tokyo
S. Tanaka - The University of Tokyo
Mitsunori Akiba - The University of Tokyo
In establishing a feasible and sustainable Multilateral Nuclear Fuel Cycle Framework which strengthens nuclear non-proliferation regime and ensure fuel cycle service, the Framework was categorized as three options (Type A, B, C). Type A is only multilateral framework for 3S (safety, security and safeguards), providing no fuel cycle service. Type B includes provision of fuel cycle service with 3S support, but without transfer of facility’s owner-ship. Type C includes provision of fuel cycle service with 3S support and transfer of facility’s owner-ship to the MNA Framework. For these three options, twelve prerequisites were studied. First one is nuclear non-proliferation which consists of regional safeguards, nuclear security, export control and restriction on sensitive technologies. Second is assurance of fuel cycle service, that is, enrichment, SF/MOX storage and SF reprocessing service. Others are selection of host state, access to technologies, degree of involvement in multinational initiative, economics, transportation, safety, liability, political and public acceptability, geopolitics and legal regulation. The most feasible and sustainable options are proposed.